Friday, November 30, 2012

Theater Arts 61A "Ancient & Medieval Drama" assignment

Here are a few Cruzcat subject headings for an assignment for Theater Arts 61A "Ancient & Medieval Drama". They have to find a medieval play (500-1500) and then a modern production of it. It would probably be helpful for them to have some context for the medieval version.
Reference material:

A companion to the medieval theatre
McH Ref PN2152.C66 1989

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

McHenry Roving Information Student schedule: FALL 2012

McHenry Library Roving Information Student schedule through Friday, December 7th
(also posted behind the Circ Desk and included online in the Library Ref Desk calendar):

5-7pm Alejandra
7-9pm Brandon

6-8pm Pati
8-10pm Brandon

4-6pm Alejandra
7-9pm Brandon

6-7pm Pati
7-8pm Alejandra

4-5pm Pati & Alejandra
5-6pm Pati
6-8pm Brandon

3-5pm Brandon

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Netflix "watch instantly" issue using Firefox on Macs

From Fish Phipps, IT:

For those who may not be aware, 'watch instantly' on Netflix does not work well in Firefox on the iMacs. This is an issue that can generate a lot of patron complaints so here's the 411:
Short version: If Netflix doesn't work on the Macs you have two options: Reboot and/or use Safari.

Long version: Netflix uses MS Silverlight for it's DRM and it seems that when parental controls are enabled on the macs (we use parental controls to control patron access to applications) that Silverlight and Firefox do not play well together. What usually happens is that when we are creating a new master image for all the machines we make sure that all the plugins are working but there are almost always issues with Firefox and Silverlight that, sooner or later, requires a reboot. Add the fact that after some random number of days/weeks later watching Netflix becomes totally broken in Firefox. This is due to changes made by either Netflix or MS on the server end as nothing has been changed on the machines. I am running some updates on a master image right now for the media center and it looks like I can't get Netflix to work at all in the latest version of Ffirefox. Point people to Safari if they wish to watch Netflix.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Recently Returned" status in Cruzcat

Here are the definitions of "Recently Returned" status in the Cruzcat catalog:

McHenry Reserves: 45 minutes
S&E Reserves: 15 minutes
S&E laptops: 15 minutes
everything else: 24 hours