ENVS140 is almost fully launched. This year the class has 90 students enrolled, which is down 10 from last year.
We have made it very clear to the students in this class that they need to ask Jan, Jess, or myself for assistance with part I of their project. Drop-in hours are posted on the class wiki at http://ucsclibrary.pbworks.com/ENVS140. Most of the drop-in hours are with Jan and Jess, although I have let them know I'm at S&E on Tuesday's 12-2pm. (They also know that if it's busy at S&E they will need to wait for my help).
If a student needs help outside the drop-in hours, please call Jan or Jess to help them. We have let them know Jan or Jess will help outside of the posted drop-in times if they are available.
To reiterate, you should NOT help them with Part I of this assignment. However, you can assist with Part II later in the quarter. I will announce when Part II begins. I will be providing a separate session for them for Part II, and information will be posted on their class page that will help you answer questions.
Let me know if you have any questions.