Showing posts with label services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label services. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ADA station changes

From Omar:

Here is an update you on some security changes we are making to the
ADA stations at both library sites.

I have changed the password to the ADA stations and are no longer
issuing the password out to the service desks.

The login information for the ADA stations is obtained through the
DRC. Library ITS is still providing computer support for this station.

If a DRC student wants to gain access to the station, Angela Holleman
is the DRC Technology Coordinator and can be reached at or at 9-3225.

If a community patron requests access to the ADA station, please direct
them to email with library in the subject line to get

Note: The station is not for scanning and is only for adaptive
technology use.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Media Center hours

The Media Center hours from today through September 22nd are Monday through Friday 12pm-5pm.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Regional History June 28th-July 11th

Irene Reti will be on furlough and vacation from June 28th-July 11th.
Regional History will be closed during this time. Please contact Christine Bunting or staff in Special Collections if there is an emergency.

Monday, June 21, 2010

McHenry's new iPads

McHenry Library has acquired five 16GB WiFi Apple iPads.

These iPads may be checked out by UCSC students, faculty and staff as four-hour reserve items at the McHenry Library Access Desk.

More info:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Map Room hours this summer

Regular summer hours for Maps will be Tuesday-Thursday, 1pm-5pm.

These are the days that the Map Room at Science & Engineering will be closed this summer:

July 5th (holiday)-July 9th

August 2nd-6th

August 23rd-27th (open by appointment only**: 459-2364)

August 30th-September 3rd (open by appointment only**: 459-2364)

September 6th (holiday)-September 10th

September 13th-17th

**Appointments must be made 24 hours in advance.

For more info: