Showing posts with label maps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maps. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2012

McHenry Library wayfinding

Good reminder, from Lee (libstaff message April 30, 2012):

"...we are now directing people to the North Elevator primarily for access to the Mathematics Department offices on the 4th floor AND as the ADA / handicapped access to the 1st floor capacity classrooms or (with the East Elevator) Gnd floor capacity offices.

Otherwise, direct people going to the 1st flr classrooms or the Gnd floor capacity offices via the outside route; out the foyer and around to the right.  The North Elevator cannot handle general classroom traffic and the outside route is quicker and more direct (as long as they don't have mobility issues).  Similarly, the West Elevator and Stairs are quicker for those trying to get to Education offices on the 3rd floor."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Citing maps

The most helpful source (in citing a map) is Cartographic citations : a style guide,

There are copies in both reference collections, as well as the Map Room. It's skinny and pam-bound. Z6021 .C55 2010

- Cynthia

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Map Room hours this summer

Regular summer hours for Maps will be Tuesday-Thursday, 1pm-5pm.

These are the days that the Map Room at Science & Engineering will be closed this summer:

July 5th (holiday)-July 9th

August 2nd-6th

August 23rd-27th (open by appointment only**: 459-2364)

August 30th-September 3rd (open by appointment only**: 459-2364)

September 6th (holiday)-September 10th

September 13th-17th

**Appointments must be made 24 hours in advance.

For more info:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2010 Oil Spill incident site

from Cynthia Moriconi in Maps:

Here is a link to the Bibliography created by a Reference Librarian at the University of South Alabama for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Incident 2010:

It will be updated with the latest information.

Friday, October 30, 2009

New Visitor Guides

There are new campus Visitor Guides from Admissions at the Ref Desk, on the shelf under the UCSC catalog and schedule of classes. It has a large, easy-to-read campus map, that includes up-to-date construction areas and new buildings.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Map Room closed this week

Just a reminder that the Map Room is closed this week (August 10-14).