Showing posts with label Circulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Circulation. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Recently Returned" status in Cruzcat

Here are the definitions of "Recently Returned" status in the Cruzcat catalog:

McHenry Reserves: 45 minutes
S&E Reserves: 15 minutes
S&E laptops: 15 minutes
everything else: 24 hours

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Laptops and iPads update

McHenry laptops are now stored are now stored in the same way as the S&E laptops: each bag contains a laptop and charger of the same number, and can be found in the green cabinet behind the Circ Desk.  The new bags only zip across the top.  We will no longer recharge laptops, but they do come with a charger (that has its own barcode and is checked out also).   iPads are also in the same green cabinet, and will be charged (you'll see a powerstrip next to them inside the cabinet).

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Referral guide


Hi everyone,

Here is the updated referral guide (as of 2/3/12).

Please post wherever it would be most visible and helpful to those using it.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Monday, November 15, 2010

My ILL Requests update

Hi All,
This is to inform you that a fix is being put in place that might affect patrons who are trying to access the 'My ILL Requests' service OR might affect when they go to place interlibrary loan requests. We are having CDL change the field where patrons enter their barcode in request and 'My ILL Requests' so that they will no longer be able to put hyphens or spaces between the numbers of their barcode. Patrons were supposed to be putting their barcodes in like this all along, however, the entry field would allow all sorts of variations which would go on to create a distinct account in the interlibrary loan system.

Basically, over the next few days/weeks/months, if you encounter a patron who is having difficulty logging into ILL services you may want to ask how they are going about entering their barcode.
Barcodes should be entered as one continuous string of numbers.
ie: 2210600642878X
22106-0064287-8X OR any other variation like this.

If the patron continues to have trouble please refer him directly to us (call, or e-mail This fix should be in place sometime on Monday Nov. 15th.
Feel free to write back for any clarification!

-Josh, Interlibrary Loan

Monday, October 25, 2010

New laptops/iPads/calculators/headphones checkout policy

Hi all,

In order to bring our laptop and other equipment lending policies in line with the iPad pilot we have made some changes effective this morning. All laptops, iPads, and calculators can now be checked out for 4 hours at a time. This equipment can be taken outside of the library and may be checked out overnight after 8:30pm. Headphones may also be checked out for 4 hours, but patrons may not take them outside of the library and they cannot be checked out overnight.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Update on Morton Marcus Poetry Reading tickets

McHenry Library's Circ desk is a distribution site for the free tickets to the 1st annual Morton Marcus Memorial Poetry Reading featuring Robert Hass on Nov. 6th. at the Cabrillo College Music Recital Hall.

Unfortunately, all the tickets have now been given out-- this is turning out to be a VERY popular event.

If those of you working at the Circ desk (or at other public service desks) end up with complaints about ticket availability please refer those folk to me. As of today noon there are still 20 tickets left at Bookshop Santa Cruz, and if there are cancellations it is possible there may be some at the door before the event.

Thanks for your assistance and patience .
-Christine Bunting

Monday, June 21, 2010

McHenry's new iPads

McHenry Library has acquired five 16GB WiFi Apple iPads.

These iPads may be checked out by UCSC students, faculty and staff as four-hour reserve items at the McHenry Library Access Desk.

More info:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Title in Process (TIP) requests

I just wanted to send out a reminder that Title in Process (TIP) requests should be referred to the Circulation Desk. Staff at that desk can check to see where in the process the title might be and can check new book trucks, etc. or refer the request to Cataloging as necessary. Please don't send TIP requests to ejournals. The procedure for handling TIP requests is also available on the library's FAQ page
and copied below.

Thanks, Frank

Q: CRUZCAT says a book is "in process." What does that mean?

A: "In process" means the library has received the book but we're not finished cataloging and labeling it. To obtain access to these items, see the Circulation Desk staff to arrange for a “TIP" (title in process) Request. This service is available Monday-Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm only. Good news! Access Services has extended this service to whenever the Circulation Desks are open.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Call numbers for Reserves

Just a reminder that students need to have call numbers when requesting reserve materials at both Circulation Desks. If you are helping a student locate an item that is on reserve be sure to encourage them to jot down the call number before they head off to the Circ. Desk.

Thanks, Frank