Monday, November 15, 2010

My ILL Requests update

Hi All,
This is to inform you that a fix is being put in place that might affect patrons who are trying to access the 'My ILL Requests' service OR might affect when they go to place interlibrary loan requests. We are having CDL change the field where patrons enter their barcode in request and 'My ILL Requests' so that they will no longer be able to put hyphens or spaces between the numbers of their barcode. Patrons were supposed to be putting their barcodes in like this all along, however, the entry field would allow all sorts of variations which would go on to create a distinct account in the interlibrary loan system.

Basically, over the next few days/weeks/months, if you encounter a patron who is having difficulty logging into ILL services you may want to ask how they are going about entering their barcode.
Barcodes should be entered as one continuous string of numbers.
ie: 2210600642878X
22106-0064287-8X OR any other variation like this.

If the patron continues to have trouble please refer him directly to us (call, or e-mail This fix should be in place sometime on Monday Nov. 15th.
Feel free to write back for any clarification!

-Josh, Interlibrary Loan

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