Monday, November 1, 2010

What to do if a 1994+ UCSC dissertation does not appear in Digital Dissertations online

Although we archive the paper copies of all UCSC master theses and doctoral dissertations in Special Collections, they do not handle the submission of files to Digital Dissertations. We can make an inquiry of the UCSC Graduate Division about the student and title and they will verify that the dissertation was produced. They do not have information about its submission to Pro Quest (the company that produces the electronic files and supports Digital Dissertations). It is not mandatory for students to have their dissertations made electronically available so in some cases it may be that the student decided not to make it accessible in this format. The Graduate Division can check and verify if this is the case.

If you encounter an incorrect record in Cruzcat, where a link to Digital Dissertations is provided but does not work, please let Cataloging know and they can correct the record.

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