Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2010 Oil Spill incident site

from Cynthia Moriconi in Maps:

Here is a link to the Bibliography created by a Reference Librarian at the University of South Alabama for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Incident 2010:

It will be updated with the latest information.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kerry's business guide

In case you need access to Kerry great business research guide, it's on the old server, and here is the link:

I had a market research question that this was perfect in answering.



Light out log (not about sleeping in the library...)

The campus electrician has asked us to track when the lights go out,
where if occurs, and when they come back on again. Laura has made a
log at the Reference desk to track this.

I understand they suspect it may be a problem with the programming,
and they need our help to pinpoint the problem.

If the lights go out on another floor - i.e. NOT the second floor,
you can call the Ref desk to report the problem. Please understand
it is midterms, so we may not be able to answer the phone right
away. You may also email me directly (include date, time, place,
duration, etc.) and I will add it to the log.

thank you,


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Student email: CruzMail to SlugMail

I just had a student ask me if I knew anything about the fact that he couldn't log into CruzMail. Here is the story from the ITS site:

"On April 28, 2010 from 2PM to 6PM, all student email accounts currently using CruzMail, will be automatically switched to SlugMail.

On that day between the hours of 2PM and 6PM, students will no longer be able to login to CruzMail to check and send email. Instead, they will login to SlugMail. Their UCSC email address remains the same."

SlugMail login page:

Here is the full news article:

Monday, April 19, 2010

Wiki page for McHenry services info

Hi all,

I've set up a wiki page, where we can share information about temporary changes in service while McHenry is closed. Folks on refall are the intended audience but the page is open to anyone. While the page is very similar to the Alternative Services page this has the benefit of being informal and oriented to what we need to know from our reference service points. Feel free to update, correct and add new information as it becomes available. If you don't want to deal with the wiki but have info that you feel should be included just send me an email and I'll add it.

thanks, Frank

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Title in Process (TIP) requests

I just wanted to send out a reminder that Title in Process (TIP) requests should be referred to the Circulation Desk. Staff at that desk can check to see where in the process the title might be and can check new book trucks, etc. or refer the request to Cataloging as necessary. Please don't send TIP requests to ejournals. The procedure for handling TIP requests is also available on the library's FAQ page
and copied below.

Thanks, Frank

Q: CRUZCAT says a book is "in process." What does that mean?

A: "In process" means the library has received the book but we're not finished cataloging and labeling it. To obtain access to these items, see the Circulation Desk staff to arrange for a “TIP" (title in process) Request. This service is available Monday-Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm only. Good news! Access Services has extended this service to whenever the Circulation Desks are open.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

16th-century engravings

Students in Allan Langdale's HAVC 137E Renaissance Prints class will be researching a mystery engraving from 16th-century Germany. BR kindly informs us that they should consult the Illustrated Bartsch (, volume 10 of which is entitled Sixteenth-century German Artists.

Additional info from Lee:

"That helps. I had a student who insisted the engraving was Bosch, and when that didn't pan out, noticed "Barsch" somewhere on the page, but that name drew a blank as well. I pointed her to some texts about early engravers and suggested the VRC if that didn't work."

So what happened to the services offered by Xpressit!?

Here's an update on where the mini-copy center services of Xpressit! (formerly in the Bookstore plaza) have gone...

They are now offered by Printing Services in Baskin Engineering. From their page:

"We provide fast, cost-effective printing from black and white through four-color printing in all sizes – up to 19" x 25" (and beyond, with our large format printer). We offer free delivery on orders for customers on and off campus! In a hurry, need it now or overnight? Let us know. We can meet your needs!

Products & Services

Offset Printing Quick Copies
Electronic Pre-Press Flyers

Document Scanning


Large Format Posters

Promotional Products Bindery Services
Professor Publishing Services Printer Paper
Copyright Clearance Services Graphic Services
Project & Data Management

Basement of
Baskin Engineering
Phone: 459-2925
Fax: 459-3899
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Additional info: Fax service
I confirmed that they still provide a public fax service, payable by cash, debit or credit. It's $1.00 per page to receive; $2.00 for the first page to send and $1.00 for each additional page; for international, $3.00 for the first page, and $2.00 for each additional page. LM 4/15/10

Right desk Mac screen tilting problem

The ergonomic arm on the right desk Mac seems to have a missing bolt or screw that allows us to tilt it backward and forward as we need to. A call is in to Jerry to see if he can fix it for us.
It does seem to be working at the moment if you gently tilt it back away from you. But if it starts to tilt forward, it falls all the way and is unusable.

Thanks for your patience while we have it repaired. In the meantime, if you are uncomfortale using it until it's fixed, use the center computer on the back table or the left desk Mac.



Friday, April 9, 2010

2nd floor construction update

Per Eric's update on the Devcon 2nd Floor G-Line construction, it looks like the Gov Docs will be covered on Monday and probably inaccessible through Tuesday. So during this time, please consult with Lucia, Jan, or me about possible alternate access to government documents.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

2nd floor construction

Devcon is currently de-constructing the wall along G-line in the Reference shared work area, and will begin work in the second floor stacks area next Monday, April 12. It will take at least Monday and Tuesday to complete the work. As on the other floors, plastic will be draped from floor to ceiling by the contractor, and additional plastic sheeting will placed over the stacks by Operations and Preservation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

ProQuest / CSA databases down for maintenance, April 10, 7:00 p.m. to April 11, 7:00 a.m.

7 April 2010
ProQuest® will be performing infrastructure maintenance on April 10, 2010. A twelve (12) hour maintenance window will be required for this maintenance. The window will take place from Saturday, April 10, 2010, at 7:00 PM (PDT) to Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 7:00 AM (PDT).

The following products will be unavailable during these windows:

ProQuest platform products, ProQuest Historical Newspapers, American Periodicals Series
CSA products
UMI products, including ProQuest Digital Microfilm and online dissertation products
ProQuest® welcomes customer feedback. Please email your comments to platform feedback or visit

Please share this information information with your colleagues.

Jayne Dickson
CDL Information Services
California Digital Library
University of California

PubMed indexing now available back to 1947

"With the addition of the 1947 citations, the MEDLINE/PubMed subset now contains over 20 million citations produced during 63 years of indexing of the biomedical literature."

Thanks to Christy Hightower for the alert.

Gov Docs accessibility

Due to the G-Line construction on the 2nd Floor, the Gov Docs collection will be mostly inaccessible. We’re not quite sure of the timeline for this (at least today and maybe tomorrow?). If you encounter a patron who wants one of these inaccessible government documents, please let me know. We might be able to find a work-around; the desired document might be available online (even if there is no apparent electronic copy) or even on microfiche. So please feel free to call me at 9-5654 or find me in my office (my door will probably be closed due to construction sound) and I will help in any way that I can.



Monday, April 5, 2010

Students asking for Plagiarism Quiz

Anna Tsing is referring her Anthropology students to a plagiarism quiz. The quiz is hosted by another institution and can be found at

Friday, April 2, 2010

Ref Desk "Not on Desk" lists posted

I have made a posted two lists of who is not on the desk on certain days, to help facilitate trades, coverage, etc. If you do not see a name listed and they are also not on the schedule, that means that are working at S&E that day or are telecommuting.

There are two versions to reflect the double-staff and single-staff schedules we are using this spring.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best, Laura

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Billing questions tip

Jess had a good reminder if you encounter a billing question.

Be sure to ask the patron what the bill is for: Printing or library material

If it's printing, refer them to the central IT support line 459-4357 or

If it's a library material fine, refer them to Access or point them to the online library billing form at

New 2nd floor copiers: screen message

The new Ricoh copiers have been installed by Copier Services on the 2nd floor. They are no longer free and are back to the normal pricing (15¢ per page when paying with cash, 8¢ per page when using a Slug Copy Card).

The screen on the copier now displays a message (which we are trying to have changed to something more intuitive) that says:

"To use the following function(s), set Key Counter. Copier"

This means:
"The copier is ready to be used, put a Slug Copy Card in the tower to make a copy and have access to the control screen"

It also displays a tiny message at the bottom left of the screen that says:

"Cannot connect with DHCP server. (101) Contact the Administrator."

This means: "I don't have a server to connect with (and won't), so ignore this message."

We are trying to have these either removed or fixed, so stay tuned.

The 3rd floor old copier is currently out of order. The 4th floor old copier is working.

No printer at the Ref Desk

As a reminder for those that have been away from the desk and are back for Spring Quarter, there is no longer a printer at the McHenry Ref Desk. Details are below in Lucia's March 11th refall message:

The printer at the McH ref desk is being moved to the Ref offices to replace the dead one. This means we will not have a printer at the Ref desk until further notice.
The desk machines still print to this printer, but you will need to 
walk into the office (next to the mailbar) to retrieve anything you
print from the desk.

Let me know if you have questions.

thank you,


Monday, March 29, 2010

Desk stats now online

Just a reminder that we have moved to collecting Reference statistics online. The SurveyMonkey page is bookmarked on the browser toolbar on every machine at the desk.

There are only two required fields, but it would be helpful if you could fill out other fields if you have time between questions.

Many thanks to Frank Gravier for getting this project off the ground and on the computers.

thank you,
