Instructions for Using the Flatbed Scanner
(No charge to email or save to USB)
1. Unless already on,
turn on switch 1 (at the back of the middle scanner), the
right monitor, and the
flatbed scanner on your left (switch 4)2.
Place document in upper right corner of scanner, face down
Click on the “Welcome to Scanwrite!” screen (right monitor)
Enter filename prefix (it will use this prefix for all of your files during a session)
Select source: Choose 4th option WIA-Epson Perfection V700/V750 (NOT the first Epson listed)
6. Click
Choose image type on the “What do you want to scan?” box
Click on adjust quality link and change resolution (DPI) from 100 to a minimum of 300; then choose picture type and click OK9. Click
Preview or
Thumbnail image appears on the upper left of the monitor screen (click "Edit Scan" if needed)
Click on the thumbnail to select it (giving it a blue border)
12. Then choose from the following options:
Email (sends as PDF only),
Print (10 cents per side, will go to print queue release stations to your right by the copiers like all other 2nd floor workstations),
Send to USB (can choose file type JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PDF single pg, PDF multi-pg), or
Follow prompts14.
Finish (this will remove your files)
For help using the scanner for microfilm:
• Click on the “Welcome to Scanwrite!” screen
• Click on the yellow “Help Video” icon on the top right
Patrons are instructed to ask at the Reference Desk or Circulation Desk for further assistance.