Friday, April 8, 2011

Problem with PsycARTICLES database

This information came from a CDL Alert: CSA PsycArticles is experiencing server problems.

Patrons are encountering this message:
When users attempt to access articles online (either by linking from UC-eLinks or by searching the database directly), PDF or HTML interface links to display the full text results in error messages (e.g., Unable to access requested file, /csa/live/ft/psycarticles-set-c/BUL/70/bul_70_4_213.pdf).

CDL reports:
We just received the following information from ProQuest/CSA Technical Support:

A problem developed with the content and the result is the difficulty you're seeing now. We are working on reloading the content into the database to resolve the situation, but the process is not expected to be completed until Monay, April 11th. I apologize for any inconvenience this will cause in the meantime.

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