Wednesday, September 26, 2012

IT Help Desk schedule 9/27-10/8

The interim IT Help Desk schedule (while they are hiring) is posted at the desk in the same spot as the Ref Desk printed schedule. You'll find the schedules in an organizer on top of the righthand file cabinet (as well as the library phone list, campus phone book, last printed general catalog, etc.).

The coverage until October 8th at McHenry is as follows:

Monday 12pm-4pm, 7pm-midnight
Tuesday 3pm-midnight
Wednesday 12pm-midnight
Thursday 3pm-10pm
Friday 4pm-8pm

So the times we are on the desk and they are not are:

Monday 4-5pm
Tuesday 1-3pm
Thursday 1-3pm
Friday 1-4pm

Call 9-2486 for questions during those times. Sometimes the S&E student can help too.

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