Monday, November 23, 2009

Google scanning in the McH Ref collection

Maric reports that the last bit of scanning of material from the McHenry Reference Collection will take place over the next few weeks. Here are the dates and call number ranges.

We're going to begin pulling reference materials this week. The first batch will be sent out next Wednesday 12/02/09, to be returned on 12/16 and reshelved before the break. The second batch will be sent on 12/09/09 and return on 01/13/2010, to be reshelved by 01/15. We hope to finish our pull from the reference collection between these two shipments, so the call numbers that will be gone will range from HA to Z (excepting HT168 to ML156.5, which has already been pulled).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

thanks, Frank

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