Monday, May 17, 2010

No public scanners in either McHenry or S&E

The public scanners from both McHenry and S&E are out for repair. They are expected to be back by the end of the week. See below for more detail:

Hi all,
Below is an update thanks to Omar (via IT Request) re: the Cowell Room scanner as well as the Media Center scanner.

9:25 am
Mojaddedi, Omar

Hi All,
The scanner was dropped off at Dave's computer for warranty repair to begin on or around May 13th. They will notify ITS when the work has been completed. A rough estimate would be mid to late this week--depending on the workload at Dave's computer.

For more clarification, original Cowell scanner went out of service, so ITS brought up the Media Center scanner with permission from Greg as a temporary solution. Soon after, the scanner that we had brought up to S&E had power issues. They are now both at Dave's undergoing warranty repairs.


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