Monday, October 4, 2010

Rodent problem update on 2nd floor

The custodians are working to clean up the rodent mess. Most of the affected sections have been cleaned in the Ref stacks, but there are still some areas that need attention. The sections that need to cleaned still have the small, discreet signs attached. The signs are being removed once the cleaning is completed.

There are two compact shelving sections next to each other in the Ref Z's that have extensive droppings that need to be cleaned. The handles for these sections are tied together to prevent patrons from opening them. This section is in the middle section of compact shelving, and not visible from the InfoCommons.

If you encounter a patron who needs material from this section over the weekend, please let them know the items need to be cleaned and they should be available Monday morning.

Please stay vigilant for signs of rodents when you are in the stacks. Preservation is placing yellow streamers in books that need cleaning. Notify Preservation if you notice more signs of rodent damage. Of course, Preservation would be grateful if you would place streamers in books that need attention. More of these streamers are at the Ref desk, in the cubby under the 3rd Mac.

thank you,


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