Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Updated policy regarding double-sided copying

There is no duplex copy support on the Copier services copiers here in the library, automated or manual. This will be fixed when the campus goes to a new copier and payment system, which there is currently a RFP in progress. Duplex will be available again when the new system goes in.

When using the bypass as a manual duplexer more jams will happen. Copier services had to turn off the automated duplex functionality on these copiers due to a compatibility issue between the payment systems and the copiers. Regarding the duplex issue some of the reasons duplex was turned off was because of the impact of support of having jams frequently, the payment issues, reliability and stability.

Elizabeth Cowell is the library contact to work through service issues with Campus Copier and Print services.
Omar will educate the Library ITS students on copier duplexing.

-Frank Dang

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