There are only two required fields, but it would be helpful if you could fill out other fields if you have time between questions.
Many thanks to Frank Gravier for getting this project off the ground and on the computers.
thank you,
Film Marketing and Reception Project
Due at the beginning of your discussion section on Week 8 [week of 22nd February]
You will choose an American film made between 1930 and 1960, one we have not studied in class, and research how the film was marketed and reviewed at the time of its original release. Materials you gather might include original movie reviews, posters, film trailers, press stories, movie star profiles, interviews, etc. You will write a short analysis of the information available from these sources and make an argument regarding how the reception and marketing of the film was influenced by historical events. Your analysis should be 5-8 pages....
From: Frank Gravier
Date: October 5, 2009 9:29:17 AM PDT
Subject: McHenry Ref. Stacks
Hi all,
As you've heard Access Services has assumed responsibility for shelving and stacks maintenance for the McHenry Reference Collection. I will continue to be the selector for the collection so please send searches, record changes, reports of superseded or new editions, etc. to me. You can drop them by my office (Rm. 2368), leave them in my mailbox in Research Services or at the mailbar in Tech. Services, email them ( or call me(9-3319).
Thanks, Frank
Hi Paul,
Just a heads up for you and your research librarians that my 88-student class, Film 132B, will be doing an annotated bibliography project, as they have done in past years. You can see the assignment on our website at:
but I've also attached it here. Just wanted to let you all know since you may experience some increase in traffic and questions (I hope!) It's due on Jan 25, two weeks from yesterday.