Monday, October 25, 2010

New laptops/iPads/calculators/headphones checkout policy

Hi all,

In order to bring our laptop and other equipment lending policies in line with the iPad pilot we have made some changes effective this morning. All laptops, iPads, and calculators can now be checked out for 4 hours at a time. This equipment can be taken outside of the library and may be checked out overnight after 8:30pm. Headphones may also be checked out for 4 hours, but patrons may not take them outside of the library and they cannot be checked out overnight.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Problem with public copiers - extra charges when using bypass tray

Frank Dang reports:

Public Services staff,

I wanted to alert you to an intermittent copier issue. McHenry Infocommons copiers and Cowell Room Copiers.

Sometimes when using the bypass the new copiers are double charging patrons. On Monday I tested this with the copier services staff and we were double charged. Pat True when back and tested it again with the copier technician and could not re-create the problem.

If you have a patron using the bypass tray on the new copiers in either building and they complain of double charging please notify and with the time, date, copier number and a small explanation of problem.

If a patron is charged incorrectly the Circulation desks have refund forms, and the McHenry circ desk has cards for refunds.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Update on Morton Marcus Poetry Reading tickets

McHenry Library's Circ desk is a distribution site for the free tickets to the 1st annual Morton Marcus Memorial Poetry Reading featuring Robert Hass on Nov. 6th. at the Cabrillo College Music Recital Hall.

Unfortunately, all the tickets have now been given out-- this is turning out to be a VERY popular event.

If those of you working at the Circ desk (or at other public service desks) end up with complaints about ticket availability please refer those folk to me. As of today noon there are still 20 tickets left at Bookshop Santa Cruz, and if there are cancellations it is possible there may be some at the door before the event.

Thanks for your assistance and patience .
-Christine Bunting

Friday, October 15, 2010

Zines for Community Studies 161 (Steiner)

If students from CMMU 161 come looking for two zines listed on their syllabus as "at McHenry Library", they are not available here. They are available on the web as free downloadable PDFs.
Here are the links:

Take Back Your Life: A Wimmin's Guide to Alternative Health Care

Navigating the Space Between Brilliance and Madness

I will contact the instructor and let her know.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 18th-22nd desk schedule

Hi Deskers,

Next week's schedule has been posted on the staff portal page. We do not yet have a link on the main page, but I have submitted a request to WIT. In the meantime, login to the portal and then do a search in the top box for "reference". The schedule page will be the first link you see.

I will still distribute a paper copy to those who have asked for one.

Let me know if you have any questions.



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Biomolecular Engineering/Computer Engineering 123A class

Hi all,

In case you get questions for the Biomolecular Engineering/Computer Engineering 123A class, we have a class guide to help students do research for their engineering design project. This is a 2 quarter class, so the page will likely be up for both fall and winter quarters:

The class page has links to recommended article databases (Inspec, Compendex, Pubmed, etc.), plus other sources such as patents, application notes, and protocols. Please let us know if you have are any questions.

Christy H. and I are also willing to take questions directly from students.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bio 80A Life in the Sea

In case you encounter students from Bio 80A, Life in the Sea - courtesy of the S&E Ref blog.

Tips for Life in the Sea Classes

Many ref books that we tend to use for this class are out for Google Scanning.

Using the Gale Virtual Reference Library has helped. Shortcut: Search "GVRL" in cruzcat.

Searching for the species in Google Books can work too. They can then see if we own the book. Or sometimes they can view enough of the book to use it as a source from within Google Books.

I've had *some* success in Academic Search Complete. You can narrow to publication type = encyclopedia.

Updated policy regarding double-sided copying

There is no duplex copy support on the Copier services copiers here in the library, automated or manual. This will be fixed when the campus goes to a new copier and payment system, which there is currently a RFP in progress. Duplex will be available again when the new system goes in.

When using the bypass as a manual duplexer more jams will happen. Copier services had to turn off the automated duplex functionality on these copiers due to a compatibility issue between the payment systems and the copiers. Regarding the duplex issue some of the reasons duplex was turned off was because of the impact of support of having jams frequently, the payment issues, reliability and stability.

Elizabeth Cowell is the library contact to work through service issues with Campus Copier and Print services.
Omar will educate the Library ITS students on copier duplexing.

-Frank Dang

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

IT Help Desk updated schedule

Staffing hours for the McHenry IT Help Desk through 12/10/10:

Mon: 12pm-midnight
Tues: 2pm-4pm, 9pm-midnight
Wed: 12pm-midnight
Thurs: 2pm-4pm, 9pm-midnight
Fri: 12pm-8pm
Sat: 12pm-7pm
Sun: 12pm-midnight

Mon-Thurs: 12pm-midnight
Fri: 12pm-8pm
Sat: 12pm-7pm
Sun: 12pm-midnight

The first schedule through 10/8/10 allows for the new students to be trained. The second schedule reflects full staffing.

The main library hours page now lists these hours, as well as the staffing at S & E:

Double-sided copying in InfoCommons (revised)

The copier repair person had to disable double-sided (or duplex) copying as it was jamming the copiers. It jammed repeatedly when the person only had money to copy one side but it was set on duplex. The only remedy was to disable the function. So, if someone tries to use that setting, the paper trays will be grayed out (unavailable).

There is a workaround (and two students just asked this very question today):

Make a copy on the glass with the book or paper in the normal position. Then take that copy and put it in the bypass tray (on the right side of the copier), face-up with the printing facing towards you. Then place the next copy to be made from a book or piece of paper on the glass, and choose "Bypass Tray" on the control panel. That's how the copier will know to use that piece of paper and not paper from the lower regular trays. It has to be done one sheet at a time.
(Troubleshooting tip: if the paper edge is at all curled it may jam or feed at an angle, so make sure the paper is straight)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Rodent problem update on 2nd floor

The custodians are working to clean up the rodent mess. Most of the affected sections have been cleaned in the Ref stacks, but there are still some areas that need attention. The sections that need to cleaned still have the small, discreet signs attached. The signs are being removed once the cleaning is completed.

There are two compact shelving sections next to each other in the Ref Z's that have extensive droppings that need to be cleaned. The handles for these sections are tied together to prevent patrons from opening them. This section is in the middle section of compact shelving, and not visible from the InfoCommons.

If you encounter a patron who needs material from this section over the weekend, please let them know the items need to be cleaned and they should be available Monday morning.

Please stay vigilant for signs of rodents when you are in the stacks. Preservation is placing yellow streamers in books that need cleaning. Notify Preservation if you notice more signs of rodent damage. Of course, Preservation would be grateful if you would place streamers in books that need attention. More of these streamers are at the Ref desk, in the cubby under the 3rd Mac.

thank you,


Thursday, September 30, 2010

History 110A (Westerkamp) Early America class

Lynn Westerkamp is teaching her early America class this quarter.
Students are being asked to find 5-7 primary source documents. The
assignment is attached (to a separate refall email). I am not teaching
a class for this group. If the work becomes onerous at the desk, please let
me know and I'll check in with Lynn. Everyone already knows this, but just
out of a sense of duty, the How to Find Primary Sources in American History
should be considered the "class page" for this assignment.

Many thanks,


Monday, October 4th: CLA Snapshot Day

Hi Deskers,

Monday, October 4th is CLA's Snapshot Day and UCSC is participating. The impact for the Ref Desk is the way we tally statistics. We won't do a separate tally form for this. Instead, we will ask staff to record the number of questions within a transaction in the narrative box (for example, if you verify 3 citations, that's 3 questions, not the single long or short question we normally count, etc.). So go ahead and log your question as directional, short, or lengthy but also include the extra transaction information in the narrative box.

If you have questions, please ask Laura or Lucia.

Thanks, Laura

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oversized paper for music students

Many music scores are not regular sized and reducing them makes them too small to read. So we have in the cabinet just under the right desk Mac (looking from the desk), some 11" x 14" and 11" x 17" paper. Feel free to give some to students who ask for it. They can use it in the bypass trays on the copier. The bypass tray is a little drop-down tray on the right side of each copier. Please let Laura know if you have any questions.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tip for Slug Card dispenser and "newer" bills

This worked for a student with a $5 bill that had color and the large image: try putting the bill in the opposite direction from what the bill slot says. It did not work the regular way, but it did this way. I don't know if this works for larger bills but it might.

Handout at Ref Desk explaining printing

IT Help Desk hours for Fall

The Fall Quarter hours for the IT Help Desk in the InfoCommons is:

Monday-Thursday: noon-3pm and 5pm-8pm
Friday: noon-5pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: noon-3pm and 5pm-8pm

So folks working the 10am-noon Ref Desk shift may get more printing and computing questions.
Some incoming freshmen have their CruzID Gold passwords already, and some do not. So it's always good to ask if they do, as they often just buy a card when they didn't know they could charge printing to their accounts.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An afternoon at the Fall Festival

Peggy McNicholas, Laura McClanathan and I set up a table at the OPERS Fall Festival yesterday and spent the afternoon meeting students and talking about the library. We asked passersby,"Have you been to the library yet?" and passed out fliers on services and hours.  If students didn't know where our libraries were located we gave them personalized maps with directions from their college to both McHenry and S&E.  We talked to close to 300 students both new and returning.  Returning students were especially happy to hear that we have been able to restore library hours thanks to the passage of Measure 42.  Every student we talked to expressed positive support for the library as reflected in this sampling of comments we collected:

- Yay! we love McHenry!
- Thanks for keeping it open!
- I love the library - I'm a fan!
- The library is our favorite

It was a great day, a wonderful event, spent with good company.  Here are some photos:

facsimile services on-campus

In addition to those services offered by the former XpressIt! (now absorbed by Print Services and located at B66, Baskin Engineering), faxes can be sent and received at Bay Tree Bookstore as well. Although this information is not currently listed on the bookstore's Web site (though see:, the service has been verified by their staff; charges are identical to those levied by Print Services (


Fall desk shifts begin tomorrow

Hello Deskers,

Fall desk shifts begin tomorrow, Thursday, September 23rd. I have posted the master schedule on the internal page ( This schedule will be migrating very soon to the new staff portal, and I'll send out a message when that happens. I am also updating materials at the desk, so please let me know if you notice something I've missed that is out-of-date. And don't forget to log your questions on SurveyMonkey. The link is still on the Firefox browser on the desk computers.

We've reduced the handouts kiosk to one, and moved it by the pillar closer to the InfoCommons. There are fall hours fliers, and an updated "Top 10 things" flier. I've seen groups of students come in and take them, so please let me know if you see them out of stock. I'm keeping an eye on them too.

Let me know if you have any questions.

